Capture live circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and CTC clusters from whole blood
GB CellBio™ technology is a platform for capturing CTC using patented iFiltration™ solution in automated systems (a2000 and FX10).
Both CellBio™ a2000 and FX10 offers automated solution in your laboratory. CellBio™ a2000 offers compact solution where FX10 offers higher capacity up to 10 samples per run.
GB CellBio™ is an automated platform that capture and harvest circulating tumor and other abnormal cells from blood for clinical and research applications.
Starting from a simple blood draw, which is non-invasive and can be repeated as often as needed, the system enriches to provide intact cancer cells, providing a real-time sample for subsequent analyses by common laboratory techniques, enabling a complete picture of the cancer. Unlike ctDNA, which is limited to DNA analysis and is the focus for most of the liquid biopsy industry, a full range of analyses can be undertaken with CTCs, giving a potential alternative to a tissue biopsy.
What is CTC?
How it works?
Step 1: Collect a 10ml EDTA blood sample from the patient
Step 2: Insert the sample tube into the GB CellBio™ a2000 with the iFiltration™ box installed. No pre-treatment is required.
Step 3: Press the button, and the system will automatically pass the blood through the iFiltration™ box.
Step 4 : The iFiltration™ box will stain with the selected antibodies or Wright's stain. CTCs or abnormal cells on the iFiltration™ box will be counted under a fluorescence microscope.
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) and other applications power by CellBio™ Technology
GB CellBio™ is an automated platform that captures and harvests circulating tumor and other abnormal cells from blood for clinical and research applications.
Precision with no enrichment in 15 minutes.
Made to Work – Patented Size iFiltration™ Technology - Rapid Results - 95% recovery rate - Single cell sensitivity
Small to large samples sizes - Flexible up to 2 samples at once (CellBio™ a2000) - High capacity up to 10 samples at once (CellBio™ FX10) - No sample prep, purification, or enrichment - QC check point implemented to ensure quality of the experiment
Simple to Operate with Quality Assurance: - Operating time 15 minutes - No sample prep, purification, or enrichment - QC check point implemented to ensure quality of the experiment
CellBio™ Dx Reagent kit:
The CellBio™ Dx reagent kit includes the following items: - iFiltration™ Unit - Prefixation Buffer - Positive Control - Fixation/Permeabilization Buffer - Mounting Solution with DAPI - Staining Solution - Conc. Washing Solution (20X)
Service by Laboratory
Danner and CurieMed Laboratories provide myCTC analysis service
myCTC service is using the latest GB CellBio™ technology, to find CTCs and CTC Clusters in complete cell information including DNA, RNA and protein expression.
Currently we are offering the following services:
Cell Detection and Enumeration of epithelial, mesenchymal, carcinoma CTCs and CTC Clusters analysis
Exploring partnerships
We have experiences partnering with bioPharma, CRO, insurance companies, biotech companies and laboratories to work with different types of projects. Our focus is to use our GB CellBio™ technology to analyze rare cell information and to develop a better diagnostic solution.
Please contact us for more information at CONTACT US.
GB CellBio™ Technology can be used in various cell types and flexible downstream Molecular Analysis:
1) Cell Types:
Cancer Cells
Stem Cells
Cell Clusters
Fetal Cells
2) Downstream Molecular Analysis:
Cell Culture
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